Mansfield and Warsop MP Ben Bradley has today encouraged his constituents to take part in the celebrations for the Coronation of HM King Charles III and the Queen Consort. The event will be taking place at Westminster Abbey on the 6th May, with events being held across the country to mark the historic occasion, including many events in Mansfield and Nottinghamshire.
A key part of the celebrations is The Big Lunch. Launched by the Eden Project, this is an effort to bring neighbours and communities together to share friendship, food and fun while also being part of history. Millions of people all across the UK will be taking part in the Big Lunch by having street parties in their local communities. Mansfield District Council has resources on their website to help people plan these parties and these can be found here.
A week before the coronation itself, Mansfield Museum is holding a King's Coronation and teddy bear's tea party: stay and play session. This will help to show your little ones why people are celebrating this historic occasion and what it feels like to be patriotic. The Teddy Bear’s Tea Party is taking place on the 28th April from 12:30pm-2pm. Mansfield Museum will also be holding a screening of the event itself from 10am-3pm on the 6th May.
The day after the Coronation, Berry Hill Park is playing host to the King’s Coronation Celebration. This will be an afternoon of live music, youth performers, picnics, Punch and Judy shows, fairground organ, craft activities and more including free hand-waving flags. Local people are encouraged to come down and take part in the celebrations while also supporting the local businesses who will be providing the food.
Commenting, Ben Bradley MP stated:
‘The Coronation is a historic occasion which most of us will likely have never seen before. As such, it is important we all take part in the variety of celebrations taking place across Mansfield and Nottinghamshire.’
‘Locally we’re lucky to have numerous events catering to all ages taking place in Mansfield, such as the Teddy Bear Tea Party at Mansfield Museum. The day after the Coronation itself, there will be a celebration in Berry Hill Park with a huge variety of food vendors, Punch and Judy shows and fun for all the family.’
‘I’m also encouraging my constituents to take part in the Big Lunch and hold street parties in their local communities. These street parties will help share the fun of the Coronation weekend with your friends, family and neighbours.’