Last week, Mansfield and Warsop MP Ben Bradley visited Mansfield and Ashfield Bangladeshi Association (MABA) who have raised £8,028 for the Turkey and Syria earthquake disaster.
MABA, who run the Mansfield Jamee Masjid on Goodacre Street, fundraised this total through various methods from appealing for donations at Friday prayers; to setting up a charity car wash; and working with local businesses. Their fundraising efforts took place immediately after the Earthquake struck and the money was raised over a period of 3 weeks.
Commenting, Ben Bradley MP said:
“Recently I visited Mansfield and Ashfield Bangladeshi Association to meet the people who have raised over £8,000 for the Turkey and Syria Appeal. This is an amazing achievement that will make a big difference to the lives of those affected by these devastating earthquakes that killed nearly 60,000 people.”
“It really was amazing to hear from members of the association about all the hard work that has gone into raising this money. It was clear when I visited how much this achievement meant to the guys there and I was really pleased to be invited to visit them at their Mosque.”
Speaking on the fund-raising efforts, Kasa Miah (Treasurer of MABA) said:
“We appealed for donations at our Friday prayers where we have over 150 attendees every week, alongside appealing for direct bank transfer donations through social media and word of mouth. Also, our youth group MABA Zone was a big help in coming up with new methods to fundraise.”
Adding to this, Taaseen Kamali (a MABA Zone member) explained:
“We did a charity car wash raising almost £500 and also went door to door at local businesses setting up collection jars which after 2 weeks totalled another £500. We asked our MP Mr Ben Bradley to come and join us for a photo to go in the Chad for the good work done by our community.”