This week I sat down with the Minister who's looking after the Future High Streets Fund, and I shared some draft proposals with him to have a look at before the Council submits plans.
Remember we have this fund of up to £25m for Mansfield Town Centre specifically, and then we have a further £25m Town Deal Fund which is for our wider economic regeneration in the District. I was able to secure these funds last year, prior to the General Election.
We need to submit high quality plans to Government in order to finalise the funding. The Minister was able to give me some thoughts and advice to improve our plans and make sure we're on the Government's wavelength with it, which I hope will ensure that we have the best possible chance of getting the full £25m Future High Streets Funding to invest in our town.
Mansfield District Council are responsible for submitting our proposals, and I've fed all of the intel in to them to help them put it together.